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Nunziante Antonio

Nunziante Antonio

(Naples, Italy, 1956)

In evidence
  • International visibility
  • His works have been shown in pretigious public institutions, in Italy and abroad
  • His works are in national and international public collections
  • Reviewed by authoritative critics, art historians,
  • Present in national and international art fairs

«We are talking about a painter who trained in Turin and Florence, who has traveled the world, who has exhibited in Italy and Europe, in Japan and in the States, gaining great fame and success of public, critics and in the market. We are talking about an educated man, who red books and visited museums. Lastly, we are talking about an excellent technician, a craftsman who knows as few today the virtues of colors, the crafts and the knowledge necessary to make oil painting as good as that of the masters of the past» (Antonio Paulucci).

Nunziante was born in Naples in 1956 and try the oil painting at the age of eight. In 1983, he was present with his works at Artexpo in New York and Los Angeles. In 1990 he exhibited in Tokyo for a solo show, in 1991 in New York and in 1992 in Florence. In 1996, in the exhibition Il valore della figura he presented two works next to the greatest masters of the Italian Twentieth century: Antonio Bueno, Michele Cascella, Giorgio de Chirico, Reato Guttuso, Amedeo Modigliani, Giorgio Morandi, Marino Marini, Gino Severini e Mario Sironi. Nunziante opened the new millennium with “Parallel Dimensions”; in 2001 he was at the Paris Bossuet-Meaux museum with the exhibition “Hommage à l’île des morts” close to the works of Salvador Dalì and Max Ernst. This is also the decade of the great confirmations, successes and awards: he exhibited in New York, Philadelphia, London, Paris, Miami and Prague; 2009 was the year of the big anthologies in the museums of Turin and Rome, the exhibition of Beverly Hills “Metaphysical & Surrealism” in which he joined the works of Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy e Paul Delvaux; the record price achieved at auction of Sotheby’s Milan. But it is the year 2011 that consecrated him with the exhibition “Caravaggio Nunziante” in Castel Sismondo, where Antonio Nunziante is inspired and compared with “L’estasi di San Francesco d’Assisi”.

A personal milestone was at the Chiostro del Bramante, in Rome and at Ducal Palace in Genova, next to Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, William Turner, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrew Wyeth e Winslow Homer. His works conquered great attention also in the city of New York with the great solo exhbition of 2012 in Soho, entitled “Works”. In connection to the year of Italian Culture in USA, five major works was presented at the headquarters of the Italian Consulate in New York, until June 2013. Two major successes marked the year 2013: records price at Sotheby’s New York, and a prestigous solo show in Dubai, at the Capital Club.

The 2014 opens with an international group exhibition at Palazzo Reale in Turin wich hosted also the works of Giorgio de Chirico, Andy Warhol, Felice Casorati, Alighiero Boetti, Alberto Savinio, Damien Hirst, Mario Schifano, Enrico Baj, Mimmo Rotella, Sandro Chia e Fernando Botero. This is followed by the two major retrospectives at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence and at Palazzo Panichi in Pietrasanta, for the 500th anniversary of the death of Michelangelo Buonarroti. In 2015 the traveling “Imago mundi”, an international group exhibition at the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation in Turin, then he also staged at the Palazzo Cini, as part of the Venice Biennale. 

Meanwhile Casa del Mantegna, in Mantova hosted “Magnifico” exhibition, the event inaugurated the project “Renaissance Vanguard” with recent works of Nunziante. At the opening was delivered to Nunziante the medal of the President of the Republic by the Academy of Torre Di Carrara. In 2015 he continued with the exhibition “De Chirico, Nunziante: beyond appearances”, at Palazzo Mathis of Bra, in Italy, and the exhibition “From Picasso to Nunziante” at the Centre of Modern Art Site Oud Sint-Jan in Bruges. In the same year he held the exhibition “Rinascimento contemporaneo” at the Refectory Monastic Polironiano Matilde in Canossa (Italy); the year after at the Pall Mall Gallery of London.

In June 2016, at Oud Sint-Jean XPO Bruges Musem in Belgium was inaugurated the “Picasso-Mirò-Nunziante” exhibition, cured by the exhibition commissioner Jean-Christophe Hubert.

In May 31, 2017, at Oud Sint-Jean XPO Bruges Musem in Belgium, Her Royal Highness Princess Leà of Belgium inaugurated the exhibitions “Sur Les Traces de Leonard de Vinci” (inside the “Leonardo da Vinci – The inventions of a genius”) and “Penser l’image et peindre la pensée”. The exhibitions was curated by the exhibition commissioner Jean-Christophe Hubert and they included a global tour in the main world’s capitals. In October 27, in the big show “Le portraits du XXe Siécle – De Picasso à Bacon”, an hall was dedicated to Nunziante with 10 paintings unreleased.

From the 14th of December the second stop of the global tour “Sur Les Traces de Leonard de Vinci”  at UNIQ Museum in Istanbul. The Italian Embassy at Bruxelles hosted a personal exposition of Nunziante with 12 artworks during the Italian Republic Day.

“Leonardo da Vinci – The inventions of a genius” continued with the global tour, with 28 artworks of Nunziante integrated in the event at Sucriére Museum in Lyon, from 12nd September 2018 to 13rd January 2019.


  • Oggetti Silenti

    Oggetti Silenti, 2022

    cm 30x40, Original oil painting on canvas