Martini Norberto
(Florence, Italy, 1940 - 2007)
- International visibility
- His works have been shown in Italy and abroad
- His works are in national and international private collections
“In his painting an irrepressible dynamic energy involves characters, things, decorative elements and the environment”
Norberto Martini was born in Florence in 1940. He studied music in Palermo and after a short experience in Opera singing, he decided to devote himself entirely to painting. In 1969 he started his artistic career with his first solo exhibition, to which many other went on through the years in Italy but also abroad, as in USA and Libanon. He attracted many art lovers and collectors from all over the world that were fascinating by his fantasy and his unique style. His painting was lively in the colours, but also in the line, an irrepressible energy sprimgs from his art.
He passed away in 2007. His works are in many private and public collections all over the world.
L'entrata della processione, 1993
cm 50x70, Oil and gold leaf on wood
cm 40x30, Oil on panel
Scena di paese
cm 40x80, Original oil painting on canvas
Canal Grande
cm 50x100, Original oil painting on canvas
cm 50x70, Original oil painting on canvas
Velieri e figure
cm 50x70, Original oil painting on canvas
cm 70x100, Original oil painting on canvas
cm 20x55, Original oil painting on wood
cm 18x24, Oil on wood
450.00 EUR
Fienagione, 1968
cm 50x70, Original oil painting on canvas