Masi Roberto
(Florence, Italy, 1940 - 2011)
- His works have been shown in Italy and abroad
- His works are in national and international collections
- Reviewed by authoritative critics and art historians
- Present in national and international art fairs
«Light is born of the harmony between colors. I constantly seek that harmony. Colors must play off each other and respond to each other. Whatever feeling a painting conveys, be it sweet, melancholic, nostalgic or gentle, it is the result of a particular tone of light»
Roberto Masi was born in Florence, Italy, in 1940, into a poor family. Both his father and grandfather were theatre actors, comedians. His parents separated shortly after his birth and he was sent to a boarding school run by nuns. Despite being artistically gite, he had to choose a more concrete career, so he studied for a diploma in Computer Technlogy, before earning a università degree in Business. After two years, however, his passion for art got the uper hand and he began frequentino the studios of well-known painters such as Pietro Annigoni, Enzo Pregno and Antonio Bueno. Meeting Professor Pilade Giacometti was a determing factor in his entering Florence’s artistic circe. He enrolled at the Accademia and began to timidly display his work at exhibits. Looking back, that burdensome and difficult start proved useful. Of course, it was anything but simle. Despite his acquaintances in the world of theatre, Roberto Masi devoted himself also to scenography and, eventually, he became stage manager at Florence’s Piccolo Teatro. Finally, in 1974, Masi met Lucia Burgassi, gallery owner who opened his door to a solid painting career. From there his career began a gradual but steady ascent to success. Roberto Masi è considerato un importante esponente del Primitivismo italiano. Intraprese la sua attività di pittore nel 1962 dipingendo piccoli frammenti di un cavallo o di una casa. Da allora Masi ha intrapreso un cammino che lo ha portato a sviluppare uno stile fortemente personale. Il mondo di Masi è in antitesi al mondo espressionistico. Vedutista e paesaggista di vocazione modernissima ottiene la celebrazione grazie alla costante presenza nelle trasmissioni TV legate all’arte. Nel 2007 pubblica il volume "Sintesi di un realismo magico". Le sue opere sono presenti in ogni parte del mondo. In 1982 he exhibited in Paris, in 1984 is invited to an important showing at the University of California, in Los Angeles. He had a major exhibition to the Fine Art Museum of Malta. In 1989 he exhibited in Lugano, Switzerlad; in 1990 in Germany. He partecipated in the most important national and international fairs. His works are in important collections in Italy and abroad.
He passed away in 2011.
Main Exhibitions
1972 Poggibonsi (Siena)
1972 Firenze – Studio d’Arte il Moro
1974 Firenze – Galleria Cavour
1974 Pisa – Bagni di Nerone
1974 Prato – Galleria Metastasio
1974 Grosseto – Galleria Municipale
1975 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze) – Palazzo Pretorio
1975 Firenze – Galleria Alcione
1976 Arezzo – Galleria Pier della Francesca
1977 Campi Bisenzio (Firenze) – Galleria L’Ariete
1977 Firenze – Galleria La Tavolozza
1977 Modena – Galleria d’Arte La Ghirlandina
1977 Cremona – Sala d’Arte Cremona
1977 Borgo San Lorenzo (Firenze) – Galleria La Medicea
1978 Milano – Galleria Accademia
1978 Pontassieve (Firenze) – Galleria d’Arte Il Casetello
1978 Cremona – Galleria Dei Legionari
1979 Varese – Galleria Internazionale
1979 Farra d’Isonzo (Gorizia) – Galleria Municipale
1980 S. Piero d’Isonzo (Gorizia) – Galleria Municipale
1981 Firenze – Galleria Renzo Spagnoli
1982 Parigi – Galleria Jean Camion
1983 Bra (Cuneo) – Chiesa di San Rocco
1984 Los Angeles – University of California
1986 Montecatini (Pistoia) – Galleri Arte 86
1988 La Valletta, Malta – National Museum of Fine Art
1989 Lugano (Svizzera) - Galleria Renzo Spagnoli Arte
1989 Bra (Cuneo) – Chiesa di San Rocco
1990 Laupheim (Germania) – Wolksbank
1998 Artefiera Reggio Emilia
1998 Artefiera Forlì
1998 Artefiera Roma
1998 ArtefieraPadova
1998 Artefiera Vicenza
1998 Artefiera Udine
1998 Artefiera Montichiari
2000 Artefiera Bari
2000 Artefiera Padova
2000 Artefiera Vicenza
2000 Expo Arte New York
2000 Expo Arte San Francisco
2001 Expo Arte New York
2001 Expo Arte San Francisco
2001 Artefiera Padova
2001 Artefiera Vicenza
2002 Expo Arte New York
2002 Venezia – Scoletta di Battioro San Stae
2009 Castiglion Fiorentino (Arezzo) – Fondazione Ad Sidera
2010 La Valletta, Malta – Ministero degli Affari Esteri